On this page:
2.1 Fonts and Input method
2.2 Code highlight for Emacs editor

2 Startup🔗

2.1 Fonts and Input method🔗

To make Ming-Language work, we have two major things need to do:
  1. to show chineseoid characters, install cangjie font to your OS;

  2. to input chineseoid characters, install rime input method and use asdfzma scheme;(check rime_custom for an out-of-the-box config)

2.2 Code highlight for Emacs editor🔗

git clone https://github.com/yanyingwang/racket-mode-for-ming and then add below code:
(use-package racket-mode
  :load-path "your-cloned-code-dir/racket-mode-for-ming"

2.3 GGFSM🔗

As a demonstation, GGFSM is a website draw gua graph for stocks, most code of this project are wrote in the Ming-Lang flavor: https://github.com/yanyingwang/ggfsm